Tuesday, June 8, 2010


My youngest son was confirmed this May. Our church has a very special confirmation ceremony with a reception afterwards, so I thought it would be nice for me to volunteer to make the cake.

In my mind: 1/4 sheet cake with gumpaste chalice and loaf of bread. Congratulations confirmands written in script. A second cake on pillars in the shape of a Bible with all the confirmands names written in script, roses and a ribbon bookmark with a cross on the end.

The reality:
It turned out okay, just not what I had pictured in my mind. The gumpaste chalice was very cool, but as it was life sized, it just didn't fit on the cake properly - especially when I wanted to add the pillars. So - scrap it! The ribbon bookmark didn't work as some of the kids' names were very long and the ribbon would go over the names. So - scrap that too!

Basically - we have a 1/4 sheet cake done in white cake. The Bible was chocolate fudge (request of my son) with the kids' names. Red buttercream roses. I dry brushed some gold luster dust on the edges of the pages to jazz it up a bit. The tilt was achieved by propping the back of the Bible up with clear pillars. Yay! Got to use my pillars! :-)

As a caker - I saw the flaws and was disappointed by not being able to use my original plan. However, cake muggles who saw the cake were amazed and awed!

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