Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Basket of Bones

Our vet keeps a basket of dog cookies on his counter for his patients.  Our boxer recently had surgery to remove a tumor.  As a thank you to our vet, I decided to make a cake for he and his staff. 

This is the same method I used for the other basket cakes I have made.  (See the basket of roses cake).  The difference here, was I made the "bones" out of sugar cookies. 

I have finally discovered a sugar cookie recipe that I love!  It is called No Fail Sugar Cookie - and it really is true!  I followed a helpful hint that I got a couple of years ago for icing the cookies - and it is a little time consuming, but worth it.  Once the cookies have been rolled and cut, I also cut fondant using the same cutters.  When you take the cookies out of the oven, use the cutter on them immediately - this will make them have crisp edges.  Then you take your pre-cut fondant and put on the top of the hot cookies.  The heat from the cookies will melt the fondant just enough that they stick to the cookies.  I don't know what it is - but fondant on cake has a VERY different texture than fondant on sugar cookies.  The cookies just taste super yummy and no texture issues.  I do this at Christmas time as well, with all the sugar cookies I mail out.  It doesn't have quite the bitter taste that royal icing can sometimes have. 

Once I baked my cookies, I stacked them on the top of my basket cake and attached them with a dab of royal icing. 

Delivery to the vet the next morning and now the staff had their cookies and the patients had theirs! 

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